2023 Photography Contest

Audience Voting

Vote for you favorite photo in each category at the bottom of this page! Review the photos below and make sure to note the name of the photographer you want to vote for. You will have to type in the name to vote. By voting, you are opting in to our monthly Sea Turtle Week newsletter; you can unsubscribe anytime. Deadline to vote is May 6th.

Be sure to click on photos to see the whole image.

Audience members can vote once per category and earn up to 5 additional votes by signing up for our SEE Turtles and Traveler Against Plastic newsletters and by following Sea Turtle Week on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Additional votes will be applied automatically to the photo you voted for in each category. You cannot vote for more than one photo in each category. You will have the opportunity to register for our newsletter and prove your following us on social media while completing the voting form. Please note you can only vote once and additional attempts to vote will be removed.

Flatback Sea Turtle

Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle

Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

Leatherback Sea Turtle

Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Hawksbill Sea Turtle

Green Sea Turtle

Voting Is Now Closed

Check back during Sea Turtle Week: June 8-16 for the announcement of the winners.